This adorable pit dog, Greka, resides in Mexico with her mother, Delvia González.
Like other dogs, Greka’s favorite activities are playing and spendingTime spent with those closest to her is captured in this photo that a broken-hearted dog can’t stop staring at.
Greka has never met a person that she doesn’t like, but she has always had a particular someone in her heart.
González would leave Greka with her mother, Delvia, who is 70 years old, each day before heading to work. She eventually developed into much more than just a pet sitter, though. Greka and Delvia quickly became the closest of friends.
“They kept each other company and always spent time together, spending their time playing fetch with the ball, and when they got tired, they’d start watching TV together,” González told The Dodo.
Greka was always up for their enjoyable times together. Additionally, she was there for Delvia no matter what.
“My mother had diabetes, and because of that, her vision was affected. She could hardly see, so Greka was a support for her,” González said. “When my mother felt bad or when she had a change in her glucose levels, Greka always told me, and she stayed by her side. She always laid at her feet wherever she was.”
She had the devoted dog by her side all the way to the end. Sadly, Delvia passed away a few weeks after being brought to the hospital.
“Greka was the first to enter the emergency room. She was very desperate and worried about her grandmother,” González said. “We wanted Greka to know that her grandmother would not return, and for that reason, the day we buried her, we took Greka to say goodbye. We brought her close to her coffin. She cried a lot. She trembled with sadness, but she understood that her grandmother was resting in peace.”
Delvia passed away, but as this heartbreaking video that González recently posted demonstrates, she is never, ever forgotten:
González displayed a picture of her mother in her house as a memento. Greka can’t keep her eyes off of this picture.
“She is very sad,” González said. “She approaches the photo, takes the ball to her grandmother and sits waiting for her to throw it to her.”
Greka has been receiving the most consoling attention from González. She finds solace in her own manner as a result.
“I feel my mother with me every time I hug Greka or every time she brings me her ball,” González said. “Her love for my mother has kept us together to endure this very difficult process.”
Greka and González recently went to the beach, and she sent them a sign, indicating that she was still with them.
A good dog may elicit love that lasts a lifetime, and the same is true for their affection. Greka’s eyes tell González that this tie is not easily broken.
“They had a very special bond,” she said.